Our Programs
DreamEd Program
Free After-School Supplemental Education
A dream collaboration between Asian American Resource Foundation and Adaptively Education, the new EdTech arm of Best in Class Education.
The objective of the DreamED program is to provide free after-school supplemental education to 1st through 8th grade students from low income families. Students across the nation are falling behind due to the school closures and disrupted education with COVID-19, and lower income families are experiencing even more significant impacts due to lack of resources. The DreamEd program will help these students catch up and get them back on track for educational success.
Student Target For DreamEd
1. Underprivileged students in the community
2. Students between 6 years to 12 years of age – Elementary and middle school.
3. Students who have access to internet and be enrolled in an English School
Helping Homeless Families
Through our Rapid Re-housing program, we help literally homeless families find and maintain housing. We create pathways for homeless families to enter the financial mainstream and ultimately build brighter futures. Families have access to financial education and develop essential job-skills for employment. Thanks to strategic partnerships with local landlords, faith-based communities, and local shelters, we are able to help families find and maintain housing long-term. Join us today and get involved with this amazing program. You can help out by volunteering time and resources to our cause. Get in touch to learn more about helping out.
Program Eligibility
1. Must be literally homeless as defined by HUD. An individual is considered homeless if he or she is living in places not meant for human habitation; is living in an emergency shelter; is fleeing a domestic violence situation; no subsequent resident has been identified; and is lacking the resources and support networks needed to obtain housing
2. Must have custody of at least one child under age 18
3. Household income must be at or below 133% of Poverty Level
Preventing Homeless Families
Assistance is available for families facing imminent eviction in Georgia. Asian American Resource Center is a resource that can be called upon for help in preventing an eviction. It may offer one time rental assistance as well as other support to stop homelessness and pending evictions.
While there are a number of conditions in place as well as an application process, the goal is to assist those that need stable housing. Asian American Resource Center will offer assistance to anyone that meets HUD approved low income levels or the definition of being homeless.
Our key objective is homeless prevention. This is a pro-active approach. For those that are about to be evicted, there may be emergency one time financial assistance for paying rent.
Enhancing the Quality of Life and Creating Self-Sufficiency
The purpose of the MHCP is to enhance the quality of life and create self-sufficiency among single parent families, homeless people, and the families of the recent Atlanta shooting victims by providing training and counseling in a manner that is nurturing and caring with therapeutic intervention and respect, compassion and accountability.
The MHCP offers free individual counseling and group seminars to low income families. These activities build a sense of awareness and highlight the importance of mental health and wellbeing and create productive citizens in the community. Programs like individual counseling, family counseling, group seminars, and creating support groups will strengthen the mental health and wellbeing of the family thereby impacting change in the community.
Increase awareness of mental health stressors and protective factors, reducing substance abuse and delinquent behavior.
Increase family management skills, including anger management skills, refusal and problem skills, ability to teach these skills to their children, and the ability to assist their children with academic success.
Submit the initial assessment below to begin.
Providing Career Opportunities